Thursday, July 21, 2011

FRIENDS are really imp0rtant in my life =)

  A simple w0rd right?  
It's uttered everyday t0 almost every person imaginable 
 Wh0 are your friends?
  I used to think that friends were the
 people that you could laugh and talk to
 Now I kn0w that friends aren't that
 they're the pe0ple that t0uch your heart
 You c0uld spend h0urs with them doing n0thing at all 
and it can be the best time of your life, 
just because it was with them =) 
 They're the people y0u can share your secrets with,
 cry with, laugh with, and just have fun with 
 They d0n't judge you 0r make you change
 They accept y0u exactly as y0u are
  They l0ok at you and see a great pers0n, 
one they love spending time with 
You all share something in c0mmon 
and are tied t0gether with memories,
 tears, laughs, and smiles
You're tied together by l0ve for each other
 Friendship is 0ne of the greatest things in the w0rld
  I find my time with my friends,
 the best times of my life
  My friends are my heart,
 my s0ul, my fun, my laughter, tears, l0ve and my life.

last but n0t least,

Friendship is n0t h0w you f0rget, but h0w you forgive.
n0t h0w you listen, but how you understand.
n0t h0w you see, but h0w you feel.
n0t how y0u let g0, but how you h0ld 0n! 

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